Plum Konjac Jelly

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Plum Konjac Jelly

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Plum Konjac Jelly

  • Product Code: '4711845280644
  • Availability: In Stock
  • $15.90

Kids don’t only need to eat junk treats. The plum konjac jelly is a healthy and nutritious treat that children will love too! Chill it for a better taste and bouncy texture.

30-35 blocks of jelly within a box; package individually for an after meal snack in your lunchbox everywhere! Pack it into gift bags for your love ones too!

Usage Tips: Cut into 2 to 3 smaller pieces to prevent choking. Do not place directly under sunlight or in humid areas.

Ingredients: Plum Syrup, Konjac Powder,
Seaweed Extract, Fructose, Water 
Net Weight: 1.2kg
Shelf Life: 1 year
| No preservatives | No artificial colouring |
| No artificial flavouring |