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Dried Burdock Slices
- Product Code: '4712839980618
- Availability: In Stock
- $13.50
Low calories
No additives
No preservatives
Burdock has been known for its health benefits and healing properties for many centuries. It has also been consumed widely in Asia as a root vegetable. Burdock is commonly consumed as a nutritive liver tonic that helps to eliminate toxic and waste material in our body. It helps to remove uric acids in the kidney through increased perspiration.
Usage Tips: Add 3-4 pieces into 250-300cc of hot water and drink as tea. Cook with any dishes or in porridge as a supplement ingredient.
烹饪建议:把三至四片牛蒡片加入250至300 CC的热水当茶喝,或炒菜煮粥时都可加入当配料。
Ingredients: Burdock
Origin: Taiwan
Net Weight: 100g
Shelf Life: 2 years